Dulux Exterior & Interior Wall Sealer is a good quality, acrylic
water-based sealer for interior and exterior masonry surface such
as brickwork, plaster, cement and asbestos. It is suitable for use
on new and previously painted surfaces. Dulux Exterior & Interior
Wall Sealer has good alkali resistance and minimizes efflorescence
effect keeping the wall colour looking beautiful for longer. As a
primer, it enhances the sheen finishes of Dulux Inspire Interior
Paint and Dulux Inspire Exterior Paint.
Ensure the surface to be painted is clean. Remove all loose paint
or powdery residue by brushing/scraping with a stiff fibre brush
under running water or with a high pressure water jet if it is for
exterior wall. Treat areas affected by mould, lichen, algae or moss
with Dulux Fungicidal Wash. Allow to dry before painting. Do not
paint if the wall is saturated with dampness (i.e., Protimeter reading
higher than 17%). It is best to let the excess moisture evaporate off.
Touch dry: Dependent on temperature and humidity
Thinning; For normal use, thinning is not usually necessary;
Cleaning up: Clean all equioment with clean water immediately
Meath, Safety and Environmental Information:
•Use only in well ventilated areas * Do not breathe vapour/spray
%Avoid contact with skin or eves • In case of contact with skin,
Wash immediately will soan and water of a proprietary skin
dilanser, Do not use solvent, (hinners or white spirits * Wear eye/
lice prolegion e f swailWet, seek medicat ad vice immedialey
and show his container or abele keep butorreach of chidren eMay
Cause sensitation or S abele wee? o Near appropriate gloves:
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